Dreams & Divinities Exhibition Tour & Book Release

Dreams and Divinities, curated by Liba W Stambollion, is an exhibition featuring over fifty renowned surreal and visionary artists including Martina Hoffman, Amanda Sage, Craig LaRotanda, and Cody Seekins. Cody has three original paintings from the Jataka Tales of a Budgie-Sattva series on display: “Budgie-Sattva 1“, “Budgie-Sattva Ego Dissolving“, and “Bubble G’ohm Budgie-Sattva“. Dreams and Divinities will show in a variety of galleries across Europe and is accompanied by a beautiful hardcover book collection of artwork from each of the artists on display.

Divining the Dream Book
The book “Divining the Dream” is for sale here: http://www.artwork-liba.com/#!store
Divining the Dream Book Interior
Jataka Tales of a Budgie-Sattva 1, right, in Divining the Dream

Dreams and Divinities will debut at the San Marco Art Center in Toledo, Spain on March 22nd.

Dreams and Divinities Toledo Banner




Toledo – Granada – Paris


On the Spring Equinox of 2013 an exhibit of fifty nine Visionary, Surrealist and Fantastic artists and the book ‘Divining the Dream’ will be launched in Toledo, Spain. The launch will take place at a Dreams & Divinity Conscious Art Conference in the landmark Iglesia de San Marco.


The inauguration will be on March 22nd 2013 at 20:00 in the Centro San Marco.


There will be concerts by Schaye B, tantric dance by Jade Doniz, a video show by John Vaughan, presentations from international speakers and artists, discussions and networking.


From May 17th – June 2nd the show and book will go to a museum in Andalucia: Instituto de America.


From September 13th – October 9th a selection of the show will be exhibited in the Visionary Gallery of La Porte Soleil. A special event will be held on the Autumn Equinox


The full schedule can be found here: http://dreamsanddivinities.com




Through a series of books and exhibits, Dreams & Divinities offers the public a window into an emerging planetary movement of ‘Conscious Art’


The projects unite a culturally eclectic group of artists and poets, each with our unique dream of this experience, yet united through artistic collaboration and community. The quest and expression of Universal Love is a central unifying theme for the books and exhibits. Diversity in Oneness is a beautiful thing.


Books/exhibit themes are inspired by cultural/spiritual references, nature, visions, dreams or fantasy.
The principal visual styles showcased in the project are Visionary, Surrealist and Fantastic.


Community building through collaborative projects and conferences is a central part of Dreams and Divinities. It offers an opportunity for artists with resonant dreams to find each other, to be inspired by each other and to unfold our best potential as a global movement.


Curator: Liba W Stambollion
Principal organizers of the exhibit: Liba W Stambollion & Yamal Din
Toledo coordinators: Andrés López Santiago & Raja Azaroual





“Divining the Dream” is about remembering, reclaiming and rejoicing in our common divinity. It is a thought provoking quest for love.


Sixty-one artists and twenty-six poets make up this global expression of love.


Vishnu, Buddha and Christ can be seen peacefully frequenting the same image or stanza.


The Goddess unfolds as Maiden, Mother and Crone.


Pan dances with Amazonian shamans.


Insects, snakes, animals and fish are respected.


The elements are revered.


Our Universal Consciousness is honored.


The reader will follows the romance of our divine mother and father as they weave the wheel of the year. Moving through the solstices, equinoxes and the forgotten holydays which originally marked the beginning of our four seasons, we follow both their dance and our own heart.


Dancing in the same rhythm, through our familiar human story, from birth to growth, decline to death, we rise so high and dip so low. We are on a hero’s journey; harvesting lessons and revelations.


173 page full color hardback book by Liba W Stambollion. Available in fine bookstores and on line:


ARTIST LISTING for the book and travelling show:

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